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Shopping at unique retail outlets in Nob Hill in Albuquerque

Nob Hill is undoubtedly Albuquerque’s go-to district for unique, local retail and has the best shopping selection in the city. You’ll find clothing, groceries, jewelry, art, home necessities, cosmetics, novelties, and much more!

Take a look at this directory and find all the exciting retail outlets that do business in Nob Hill!

Women’s Apparel

Andy & Edie | 3021 Central Ave NE 87106 | 505-255-8737 | www.theandyandedie.com

Off Broadway Vintage Clothing | 3110 Central Ave SE 87106 | 505-268-1489 | offbroadwaycostumes.com

Retail Therapy | 107 Amherst Dr SE 87106 | 505-219-3761 | www.retailtherapyabq.com


Toad Road | 3503 Central Ave NE #C 87106 | 505-255-4212 | www.facebook.com/ToadRoad.NobHill

Vintage Clothing

Avenger’s Vintage | 4011 Central Ave NE 87108 | 505-266-6256 | avengers-vintage.business

Buffalo Exchange | 3005 Central Ave NE | 505-262-0098 | www.buffaloexchange.com


Ojo Optique | 3339 Central Ave NE B 87106 | 505-232-9796 | www.ojooptique.com

Jewelry & Accessories

Gertrude Zachary | 3300 Central Ave SE 87106 | 505-766-4700 | gertrudezachary.com

IMEC | 101 Amherst Dr SE 87106 | 505-265-8352 | www.shopimec.com

Ooh Aah Jewelry | 110 Amherst Dr SE | 505-265-7170 | oohaahjewelry.com

Stone Mountain Bead Gallery | 4008 Central Ave SE 87108 | 505-260-1121 | www.stonemountainbeads.com

Sukhmani Designs | 105 Amherst Dr SE 87106 | 505-255-2883 | www.sukhmanidesigns.com 

Home Goods & Antiques

Cowboys and Indians | 4000 Central Ave SE 87108 | 505-255-4054 | www.cowboysandindiansantiques.com

Dan’s Place | 3907 Central Ave NE 87108 | 505-268-1010 |

Form Gallery | 4013 Central Ave NE 87108 | 505-934-0969 | www.facebook.com/Form-Gallery

Rodeo Rustic Furniture | 111 Carlisle Blvd NE 87106 | 505-255-1225 | rodeorusticfurnitureabq.com

Sachi Organics | 3708 Central Ave SE 87108 | 505-268-9738 | www.sachiorganics.com

The Morningside Boutique | 4011 Central Ave NE 87108 |

Gifts, Toys & Collectibles

Astro Zombies | 3100 Central Ave SE 87106 | 505-232-7800 | astrozombies.com

Masks Y Mas | 3106 Central Ave SE 87106 | 505-256-4183 | www.masksymas.net

Stranger Factory | 3411 Central Ave NE 87106 | 505-508-3049 | strangerfactory.com

Health & Wellness

CBD Hemp Boutique | 122 Bryn Mawr Dr SE | 505-398-3514 | thecbdboutique.com

Duke City Herbs & Bake Shop | 4012 Central Ave SE | 505-750-0158 | www.dukecityherb.com

The Herb Store | 107 Carlisle Blvd SE | 505-255-8878 | herbstorenm.com


Guitar Vista | 3117 Silver Ave SE | 505-268-1133 | guitarvistanm.com

Nob Hill Music | 3419 Central Ave NE 87106 | 505-266-4200 | nobhillmusic.com 

Arts Supplies

Artisan Art Supply | 3017 Monte Vista Blvd NE | 505-256-4540 | www.artisan-santafe.com

Creative Culture ABQ | 3001 Monte Vista Blvd NE | 505-200-2785 | www.creativecultureabq.com


Fixed and Free | 208 Dartmouth Dr NE | 505-255-0586 |

Two Wheel Drive | 4001 Central Ave NE 87108 | 505-243-8443 | www.twowheeldrive.com

Neighborhood Market

Walgreens | 2950 Central Ave SE 87106 | 505-262-1745 |

La Montanita Co-op Supermarket | 3500 Central Ave SE | 505-265-4631 | lamontanita.coop 


Absolutely Neon | 3903 Central Ave NE 87108 | 505-265-6366 | www.absolutelyneon.com

Blaze Smoke Shop | 3122 Central Ave SE 87106 | 505-268-5441 | www.facebook.com/BlazeABQ

Christian Science Reading Room | 114 Richmond Dr SE | 505-255-7244 |

Organic Books | 111 Carlisle Blvd SE |505-553-3823 | organicbooks.net

Self Serve | 3904 Central Ave SE 87108 | 505-265-5815 |

The Fragrant Leaf – Tea Boutique | 3207 Silver Ave SE | 505-255-0522 | www.thefragrantleaf.com

The Yarn Store | 120 Amherst Dr NE 87106 | 505-0717-1535 | theyarnstoreatnobhill.com

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